When it comes to therapy, I ask my clients to think like a consumer. A consumer asks questions. A consumer wrestles with choices about what is best for them. A consumer holds the shop keeper, or vendor, accountable for their guarantees. A consumer makes an informed decision and compares pricing. A consumer finds value, and avoids being taken for granted. A consumer makes a purchase after careful consideration, and always has a higher satisfaction of the purchase a result. A consumer will refer friends and family. They will promote the products and services they find to everyone they know. I want all of my clients to be consumers.
I can’t think of anything more important to each of us than our health and the decisions we make to stay healthy. Yet, when we are looking for help, we turn off our inclination to evaluate. We tend to look for experts and then, all too often, blindly follow the person’s expertise. To make it worse, we ask the wrong person for advice about something that is not covered by their expertise. As such, I see countless clients who have been disappointed time and time again about the results they received from very capable people. Asking the appropriate person for help is a skill all consumers perfect. If you’re going to rebuild a motor, ask a mechanic for help. If you need a surgeon, ask a surgeon. If you want to learn how to cook, ask a chef.
I have offered a money back guarantee for my services my entire career. Other health practitioners have always thought I was crazy. I do it because I want to have a client who acts like a consumer. I want a client to have clear expectations about the potential of getting well. I want my client to be working toward the successful completion of their program. As a result, our clients historically see success rates above 90%. If you put in the effort, you will see results. A consumer demands results, and honestly, every client deserves a fair expectation to achieving the results they are after. If a consumer can’t find the result in one place, they should shop around until they find a good fit.
So in an effort to help my fellow consumers out there, here is a quick set of questions you can ask yourself to determine if you have a positional or postural problem. These problems can be addressed with corrective exercises. Ask yourself…
1) Can I put myself in a position where the pain goes away?
2) Does movement change my pain?
3) If I avoid certain activities, do I feel better?
4) Do I feel pain just trying to complete basic, everyday activities?
5) I don’t remember hurting myself, but I woke up with a pain this morning.
6) My “ “ is acting up on me again…
And then after you answer the questions, go be a consumer and fix your Ouch! Take the free evaluation above, get a routine of exercises, and feel better. You have nothing to lose.