Ouch! is as close to a DIY or “Do-it-yourself” form of therapy as you’ll find. The DIY concept is well accepted when it comes to making repairs to your home or apartment, and will potentially save you thousands of dollars by giving you more control over the process and not paying for costly expertise. In fact, I’ve found that starting the DIY process for most of my home improvement chores translates into a greater clarification of what I can do on my own, and the big problems requiring an experts touch. I can be more selective about the help I really need.
Healthcare has been advocating the same DIY process for years, albeit in the preventative side of the industry. We try and take care of ourselves before we have a serious problem, and before we have pain. When pain sets in, we tend to visit an expert for treatment hoping it’s nothing serious and polling everyone we know for advice. And treatments can be wide ranging covering both the holistic, or alternative, and the traditional. Ouch! offers a subscription based treatment plan that allows each client to organize the length of the therapy process according to their own needs. It's personalized for the do-it-yourself crowd.
Ouch! believes pain is a message requiring understanding, and not something to be feared. The more we understand our bodies when we are under stress, the more we are able to contribute to the treatment process. So by using exercises, the client can correct their postural imbalances and address the faulty biomechanics that result. These types of treatments used to only be available in clinic settings. Now, we can all benefit from the therapy in the privacy of our own homes. And if that treatment, in the end, requires the help of an expert, the added bonus of understanding, along with the obvious financial benefit, make a DIY therapy a great place to start. Pretty cool!